Taylor Creek Reservoir

Taylor Creek Reservoir is a resource that we share with Desert Ranches. While our relationship is great today, access to the reservoir was a point of contention between us. Our issues have long ago been settled and today we work together to ensure that the resource, and our permit to use and share it, is protected.

Our job is to provide our customers with the safest, cleanest water at the most affordable rate. And, groundwater has limits. All water supplies have limits.

Our Taylor Creek permit allows us to withdraw 8.8 million gallons of water per day from the reservoir to serve communities throughout the region. We are a regional water supplier and have been for more than 50 years.

The Taylor Creek Reservoir is a vital water source. It’s a critical part of our plan to ensure a safe, sustainable, environmentally friendly and affordable water supply now and in the future.

Because we planned ahead, our customers can rest assured that we’ll have the water they need for years to come. And, we’re protecting the environment, too. Check our wise use section of this site for some examples.

Cocoa Water Works.